Tuesday, 19 September 2017



The Udumbara flower is said in Buddhist legend to bloom only once every 3,000 years, the last time being before the birth of Buddha.
The Udumbara words come from Pali, Sanskrit language.  Refers to the tree, flower and fruit of the “Ficus racemosa”.  It is also mentioned in Vedic texts as the source of wood for rituals and amulets.

According to Bhikkhu Bodhi, Vedic sacrifices used uumbara wood for many different ritual purposes such as a ladle and post, as well as amulets made of uumbara wood are mentioned in Vedic texts. Spotted again across the world in the past 20 years or so, some say the udumbara could herald the coming of a great sage or enlightened being.
The flower is last said to have bloomed before the birth of Buddha in 623 BC and has not been seen since then until relatively recently. It was spotted in South Korea in 1997 when it appeared on a statue of Buddha and since then there have been a number of other sightings of this rare and mysterious flower. In 2010, Chinese state-run media reported sightings of the flower, which it called ‘celestial.’ All such articles were removed shortly after they were published by the atheist regime, but by then they had spread across the Internet.

The story was picked up by The Telegraph in the UK which reported that the flower had been found in the home of Chinese nun Miao Wei, 50, who discovered the cluster of white flowers under her washing machine while cleaning. At first she thought the stems were worm eggs until the next day when she noted that they had grown 18 white tiny flowers on top and smelled “fragrant.”
Other sightings have been made by a Chinese farmer who spotted a cluster of 38 of the flowers growing on a steel pipe in his garden.
It was also seen at Chonggye-sa Temple in Seoul where the flower blossomed on a statue of Buddha.

Guys isn’t it great a flowers blooms ones in 3000 years, only the lucky one can see it……!!!
We will meet in next blog with new unique subject ……..!!!

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